First National Child Vehicular Heatstroke Awareness and Prevention Day of the year is April 26, 2017

Sadly, this year five children have already died from heatstroke inside vehicles and summer is still two months away.

Please help show your support on Wednesday, April 26 by spreading the messages of awareness and prevention of vehicular heatstroke across all social media platforms. Be sure to use the hashtags #heatstrokekills and #lookbeforeyoulock.

For your convenience we have created status updates and/or tweets as well as memes that can be easily copy/pasted for you to share with your organizations, friends, families, and followers:

Today is National Heatstroke Prevention Day – never leave a child or animal alone in a car! #heatstrokekills

See a child alone in a car? Get involved! Call 911 immediately. #heatstrokekills

The difference between life or death is minutes in a hot car. #heatstrokekills

Protecting children is everyone’s business. Get involved. Call 911. Save a life. #heatstrokekills

Be prepared to save a baby in a hot car with a resqme tool… get it today at #heatstrokekills

If you see a child alone in a car, call 911. Cars reach deadly temps in minutes. #heatstrokekills

Always check the back seat for baby! Look Before You Lock!! #lookbeforeyoulock

Ask childcare to call you if your baby doesn’t show up as planned! #heatstrokekills

Always keep cars locked & keys out of reach of children. If a child is missing – check in all cars! #heatstrokekills

A car is not a babysitter. NEVER leave a child or animal alone inside a vehicle, not even for a minute! #lookbeforeyoulock

Together we can help save lives by sharing this information on social media on Wednesday, April 26.

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