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Breathe...that's the word that kept haunting me all day today.  As I sit here quietly thinking through the moments of the day and the moments of the same day only a year ago, it suddenly occurred to me why "breathe" stayed in my thoughts all day.  I figured it was...

LCC Comfort Dog Program

LCC Comfort Dog Program

Our family was blessed during Harper's Memorial Service by the company of Jessy Comfort Dog. Jessy is one of the Comfort Dogs sponsored by the Lutheran Church Charities organization. Harper loved dogs and the presence of Jessy helped to comfort Harper's young...

Just In From:

Just In From:

First National Child Vehicular Heatstroke Awareness and Prevention Day of the year is April 26, 2017 Sadly, this year five children have already died from heatstroke inside vehicles and summer is still two months away. Please help show your support on Wednesday, April...

7 Harper’s Hugs

Hug Number One If you use an in home child care facility that allows children in the front yard, near a driveway or near the street during drop-off or pick-up, please ask the provider to change that procedure immediately or advise them you will change your provider....

Harper’s Hugs – “Take Two”

Harper's Hugs - Take Two! Take two minutes to survey your surroundings before moving your vehicle. Take two sets of eyes - someone to watch you as you move your vehicle where children could be present. Take two minutes to make that call or send your text BEFORE moving...



Please share this message in honor of Harper! Two weeks from today will mark a year since our family experienced the worst day we've ever had to go through. It was on that day that the most unthinkable tragedy happened that took the life of one the sweetest baby girls...

Printable Resources

Printable Resources

Printable material that you can download and print to use to help us raise awareness for child safety.  (Please note these materials are not formatted for mobile use). Harper's Hugs Brochure 7 Harper's Hugs Take Two

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LCC Comfort Dog Program
Just In From:
Harper’s Hugs “Commission a Bear” printable tag
Printable Resources
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