Statistics & Laws
Find out more about the dangers at daycare facilitiesStatistics
The numbers show that a lot of accidents happen out of unawareness. Calling more attention to these issues and teaching about the dangers of cars can prevent a lot of tragedies. This information was gathered from the Kids and Cars website. Please visit their page and join us in raising awareness of the dangers of children and motor vehicles.
Minimum number of kids getting backed over by vehicles every week
Percentage of backing up incidents involved a larger size vehicle
Percentage of incidents when a parent or close relative is behind the wheel
Frontover fatalities to children increase from 2000 to 2010
Backover fatalities to children increase from 2000 to 2010
Number of kids who can fit behind a car without being noticed
Reading through the laws, you will notice that the broad description of safety guidelines leave a wide interpretation of what day care facilities should look like. Help us change these regulations to provide a healthy environment for our children.
The following is a definition of a day care facility and its requirements according to Kansas Child Care Licensing Laws. Under K.S.A. 65-501, it says that “it shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation, or association to conduct or maintain a […] child care facility for children under 16 years of age without having a license or temporary permit therefor from the secretary of health and environment.” Having said that, it is important to check on the license of someone operating a daycare facility and its expiration date. The laws also require an inspection of the facility every 12 months (K.S.A.65-512).
It is considered a child care facility when it is “maintained by a person who has control or custody of one or more children under 16 years of age, unattended by parent or guardian, for the purpose of providing the children with food or lodging, or both” not related in any way to the operator (K.S.A. 65-503,c, 1).
Although it also states under K.S.A. 65-508 (a) (3), that a child care facility shall be “operated with strict regard to the health, safety and welfare of any […] child”. Yet, there are a lot of child care facilities who let the children play outside in the front yard with no further security i.e. a fence. These laws either need to be executed more strictly or have an additional more explicit explanation on where the kids are allowed to play.